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Mr Yaz Mubarakai MLA

Parliamentary Secretary to the Minister for Education; Aboriginal Affairs; Citizenship and Multicultural Interests

BCom; MCom; MMBF; DipIT

Extract from the Western Australian Parliamentary Handbook

Member for Oakford
Australian Labor Party


Elected to the Fortieth Parliament for Jandakot, at the general election of 11 March 2017, in succession to Joseph (Joe) Michael Francis (defeated).
Re-elected 2021.
Elected to the Forty-Second Parliament for Oakford (new Seat), at the general election of 8 March 2025.

Ministerial Appointments

Parliamentary Secretary to the Minister for Finance; Lands; Sport and Recreation; Citizenship and Multicultural Interests from 19 March 2021 to 21 December 2021.
Parliamentary Secretary to the Minister for Finance; Aboriginal Affairs; Racing and Gaming; Citizenship and Multicultural Interests from 21 December 2021 to 14 December 2022.
Parliamentary Secretary to the Minister for Education; Aboriginal Affairs; Citizenship and Multicultural Interests from 14 December 2022.

Standing Committees

Member, Economics and Industry Standing Committee from 23 May 2017 to 29 January 2021.



Born 24 October 1975, Mumbai, India.
Arrived in Western Australia July 1997.

Qualification and occupation before entering Parliament

BCom; MCom; MMBF; DipIT.
Self-employed - Post Master.


The electorate of Oakford includes all or parts of the City of Armadale, City of Cockburn, City of Kwinana and the Shire of Serpentine-Jarrahdale.

Comprising of all or parts of the localities of Anketell, Aubin Grove, Banjup, Brookdale, Casuarina, Darling Downs, Doobarda, Forrestdale, Harrisdale, Haynes, Hilbert, Oakford, Piara Waters and Wandi.

Enrolment - 33,597 (2025)
Area - 143 km²

Further Biographical Details for Mr Yaz Mubarakai